Friday, April 20, 2007

Healing Words

This has been a rough week. There is just too much hate and hurt in this world. Some of this hatred and hurt begins and is spread through our words to others. Things we say or maybe don't say. I have been the recipient of some unkind words this week, but I know too well that I have also been the source of some hurtful words. I hope to do less and less of that in my life.

I have been also been touched this week by a different kind of words. Words that have brought healing and strength. We can do much destruction with our words but we can also bring about a lot of healing. Sometimes we should not speak. Silence, not words is what is needed. But there are moments, opportunities, we all have to bring comfort, encouragement and life with our words. Here are some of the words which were spoken to me this week which I want to pass on:

"I have a smile for everyone" quoting my mom

"Sometimes I get on my knees and bow my head and allow Jesus to straighten me. I am weak and he is strong.'' quoting my cousin Fred

"Remember, I have your back!" quoting a friend

And most of all the words "I Love You!!!" quoting family and friends


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